Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Vitamin E found to ‘Ward Off Decline”

Recent research has found that a daily supplement of vitamin E can help to reduce physical decline in elderly people. The study revealed that the physical ability of people aged over 65 was worst in those who had lower levels of vitamin E.

It has been suggested that the secret behind vitamin E’s ability to protect against physical decline lies in the fact that it is a potent antioxidant that works to protect the body’s tissue from damage caused by rampaging free radicals.

In the latest Italian study, which was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, researchers measured levels of vitamins in the blood of 698 people. Performance of the volunteers was monitored over a three-year period and was based upon three physical tests – a short walk, balance and standing up from a seated position. Researchers found that there became a clear association between vitamin E and performance, reporting that “the odds of declining in physical function was 1.62 times greater in persons with low levels of vitamin E, when compared with individuals with higher levels” as said by the leading researcher Dr Benedetta Bartali.

Dr Bartali confirmed that the results of the study suggested that “an appropriate dietary intake of vitamin E may help to reduce the decline in physical function among older persons.” Researchers also highlighted that as well as its antioxidant effect, vitamin E is involved in the production of red blood cells.

This research also highlighted that many older people do not have an adequate intake of vitamins and minerals and therefore, in order for them to get essential nutrients, a daily supplement is largely the most effective means. A healthy and nutritious diet is essential for wellbeing and a healthy life expectancy, particularly in older people.

Source: BBC News

Simply Supplements

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Simply Supplements Sells Premium Quality Supplements

Simply Supplements comprehensively supply vitamins, minerals and a wide range of other natural supplements to thousands of customers in the UK. Where outstanding customer service is as natural to the company as its supplements, customers are guaranteed premium quality supplements and the lowest prices in the UK.

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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Hay Fever affects 15 to 20% of people in Britain every year

Hay Fever affects 15 to 20% of people in Britain every year. It causes many people misery throughout the summer months with symptoms such as sneezing, sore eyes, and a runny or blocked nose. Hay fever can strike at anytime throughout the summer, as it depends on how high the pollen count is in the air. The pollen count is higher in summer which is why hay fever strikes then. In the UK the highest pollen count is usually in the months of June and July, but this can change each year.

Hay fever causes many sick days from work during the summer, and can make life hard for sufferers. In the UK the most common pollen to cause hay fever is grass pollen. Hay fever is an allergy to pollen, when the high pollen counts come into contact with the back of your throat and nose they cause an allergic reaction which causes the symptoms of hay fever. Hay fever is usually inherited, but can develop in some people, the more you are in contact with high counts of pollen.

There is not a cure for hay fever, the only way to help prevent it is either to avoid being in areas where the high pollen count is, or to take antihistamine drugs. In the UK people spend over £15 million a year on average on over-the-counter hay fever drugs. But there is help at hand! There are other ways to treat your hay fever symptoms such as natural remedies.

Antihistamine drugs can quite often leave people feeling sleepy or over stimulated, so what natural products can work just as well without those side effects? One of the natural supplements which have proved effective in clinical trials is Quercetin. Quercetin is a bioflavonoid, which holds properties to act as natural anti-histamine. It helps to stabilize the cell membranes and stop them from producing the inflammatory effects you get when an allergic reaction occurs.

There are also other natural supplements which have been noted in clinical research and trials as being effective at helping to treat hay fever and allergies. Pycnogenol® is a powerful antioxidant, and is also a flavonoid which can help to not only keep the immune system strong but also helps to stop the allergic response. Pine bark also has the ability to help symptoms of hay fever, as it contains antioxidants which neutralize the free radicals which cause the symptoms of hay fever.

These natural remedies could be an alternative treatment, which could free you from the side effects like drowsiness caused by antihistamine drugs. These natural remedies are becoming more popular in the UK and offer an alternative, with no known side effects. Your summer could be free from inconvenient hay fever symptoms, and the side effects caused by many popular antihistamine drugs.

Simply Supplements

Probiotics Can Help to Treat Crohn’s Disease

Recent research has revealed that a daily supplement of probiotics can help to relieve the symptoms of Crohn’s disease in sufferers.

Chron’s disease, an inflammatory bowel disease, can cause painful discomfort for people who suffer, and is characterised by an imbalance of bacteria in the gut. Whilst antibiotics can help to rid the body of offending bacteria, probiotics offer a natural way to balance bacteria in the digestive tract, replenishing the body with ‘good bacteria’.

Not only does the friendly bacteria in probiotics help to balance the gut flora and fight away any yeast or bacterial infections, for those who are dairy intolerant or are not keen on the many probiotic drinks on the market, a probiotic supplement is an effective way of maintaining a healthy balance of bacteria in the body. These remarkable tiny organisms have been found to be play a key role in the treatment and prevention of many diseases by neutralising the effects of offending bacteria.

In a recent study, two thirds of people taking a prebiotic and probiotic supplement experienced complete remission of the disease, strongly suggesting the effectiveness of a combination pre- and pro-biotic supplement in relieving people who suffer from Crohn’s Disease.

Simply Supplements

Folic Acid may cut premature births by 70%

Breaking research has revealed that taking folic acid supplements for a year before pregnancy can reduce the risk of premature births by 70% as well as saving thousands of lives.

Recent research based on 40,000 women found that one in three babies born under 28 weeks die, with a large number of those that survive facing lifelong disability. The new revelation supports the established recommendation that women who are planning to have a family should also take folic acids supplements to reduce the risk of neural tube defects, including disabilities such as spina bifida.

Tim Draycott, a consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists supports the findings in saying that “premature births are a tremendous burden on the babies, their families and society… Anything that is potentially beneficial and particularly something as safe as folic acid… we would welcome as an intervention.”

In addition, reducing the number of premature births would also ease the burden on the NHS, with current annual costs of caring for premature babies at £420 million ion the UK alone. The Food Standards Agency supports the positive research on taking Folic Acid as a food supplement, suggesting that not only should women planning to have a family take dietary supplements of folic acid, there is also potential for more foods to be fortified with folic acid.

Source: The Guardian, Jan 2008